Movement modelling using HMMs (methods)
Morales, Haydon, Frair, Holsiner, Fryxell (2004), Extracting more out of relocation data: building movement models as mixtures of random walks, Ecology
Holzmann, Munk, Suster, Zucchini (2006), Hidden markov models for circular and linear-circular time series, Environmental and Ecological Statistics
Patterson, Basson, Bravington, Gunn (2009), Classifying movement behaviour in relation to environmental conditions using hidden Markov models, Journal of Animal Ecology
Langrock, King, Matthiopoulos, Thomas, Fortin, Morales (2012), Flexible and practical modeling of animal telemetry data: hidden Markov models and extensions, Ecology
Patterson, Parton, Langrock, Blackwell, Thomas, King, (2016), Statistical modelling of animal movement: a myopic review and a discussion of good practice, arXiv
Movement modelling using HMMs (applications)
Franke, Caelli, Hudson (2004), Analysis of movements and behavior of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) using hidden Markov models, Ecological Modelling
McKellar, Langrock, Walters, Kesler (2015), Using mixed hidden Markov models to examine behavioral states in a cooperatively breeding bird, Behavioral Ecology
van de Kerk, Onorato, Crield, Bolker, Augustine, McKinley, Oli (2015), Hidden semi-markov models reveal multiphasic movement of the endangered florida panther, Journal of Animal Ecology
Towner, Leos-Barajas, Langrock, Schick, Smale, Jewell, Kaschke, Papastamatiou (2016), Sex-specific and individual preferences for hunting strategies in white sharks, Functional Ecology
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