Modelling general behavioural data using HMMs
MacDonald, Raubenheimer (1995), Hidden Markov models and animal behaviour, Biometrical Journal
Zucchini, MacDonald, Raubenheimer (2008), Modeling time series of animal behavior by means of a latent-state model with feedback, Biometrics
Hart, Mann, Coulson, Pettorelli, Trathan (2010), Behavioural switching in a central place forager: patterns of diving behaviour in the macaroni penguin (Eudypteschrysolophus), Marine Biology
Schliehe-Diecks, Kappeler, Langrock (2012), On the application of mixed hidden Markov models to multiple behavioural time series, Interface Focus
Langrock, Marques, Baird, Thomas (2014), Modeling the diving behavior of whales: a latent-variable approach with feedback and semi-Markovian components, Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics
DeRuiter, Langrock, Skirbutas, Goldbogen, Calambokidis, Friedlaender, Southall (2016), A multivariate mixed HMM for analyzing the effect of sonar exposure on the behavioural state-switching dynamics of blue whales, arXiv
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