Capture-recapture using HMMs
Pradel (2005), Multievent: An extension of multistate capture–recapture models to uncertain states, Biometrics
Gimenez, Lebreton, Gaillard, Choquet, Pradel (2012), Estimating demographic parameters using hidden process dynamic models, Theoretical Population Biology
Langrock, King (2013), Maximum likelihood estimation of mark-recapture-recovery models in the presence of continuous covariates, Annals of Applied Statistics
Laake (2013), Capture-recapture analysis with hidden Markov models, Alaska Fisheries Science Center processed report
Laake, Johnson, Diefenbach, Ternent (2015), Hidden Markov model for dependent mark loss and survival estimation, Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics
King, Langrock (2016), Semi-Markov Arnason-Schwarz models, Biometrics
Johnson, Laake, Melin, DeLong (2016), Multivariate state hidden Markov models for mark-recapture data, Statistical Science
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